Short-term, medium-term and long-term outcomes
The purpose statement in Module B (Do what? For whom? For what outcomes?) may lend itself to stating big, long-term goals that are hard to measure. The strongest logic models focus on achievable, measurable short-term outcomes. If you have long-term goals, be clear about how the particular program leads to those outcomes.
Let's look at a simple example:
Teaching Girl Scouts about local birds involves library books, museum visits, and field trips with the long-term goal of interesting them in their local environment.
Which of the following outcomes are short-, medium-, or long-term outcomes?
Outcome Girl Scouts recognize local birds from museum models and book illustrations. Short term. This outcomes shows a change in knowledge.
Outcome Girl Scout majors in Biology in college. Long term. This outcomes affects decisions about life-time interests and job prospects. Notice it extends beyond the time frame of the project.
Outcome Girl Scouts no longer consider bird-watching activities "dumb." Short term. This outcome shows a change in attitude.
Outcome Girl Scouts can identify local birds on a field trip. Short term. This outcome shows a change in skills.
Outcome A Girl Scout volunteers with other family members at a local bird sanctuary. Medium term. This outcomes shows up in behavior and decision-making, perhaps beyond the time frame of the project.