
We use the term “output” to describe a direct program productcounting toy—either from an activity or a service. Program outputs are typically measured in numbers in order to assess the program’s productiveness. In fact, sometimes outputs are called “counts.”  They don’t indicate any outcomes (that is, changes in the audiences) but do keep track of the necessary building blocks of a program:  how many people attend, how much staff time is required. 

Participants served 45 fifth graders
Participants completed 98% attended 90% of the sessions
Materials developed workbook, reading lists, website
Materials used 6 gallons of paint, 3 15-pound bags of birdseed
Workshops given 7
Supplies consumed 5 reams of paper & a gross of pastels
Consultants’ hours 21
Web site hits 73,000

In your own Logic Model, you won’t know these exact numbers (“five reams of paper”) at the beginning, but you will want to keep track of them for your report (discussed in module E).