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Cost & Scholarships

Program Cost
The cost of the online course, through this Shaping Outcomes project, is $150 per participant (payable in U.S. funds). One person can lead a team at his/her home institution; the instructor will communicate directly with the lead participant.

There are full scholarships available for up to 30% of course participants. No individual financial information is required to qualify for a scholarship. Assistance is based on two things:

  1. The Community or Institution-Based Need: The applicant’s institution should demonstrate that it serves needy populations.  This can take any of the following forms:
    • For school librarians, working in a school or system where at least 30% of the students receive free or reduced price lunches.
    • For academic librarians, working in a college or university in which at least 30% of the student body receives Pell grants.
    • For public librarians, working in a library or library system whose service population area (or the city or the county) has an average income at 70% of the state median or less as reported in the 2000 Census or later data.
    • For special librarians, working in an organization which has a demonstrated component of service to economically disadvantaged clients (e.g. pro bono work for law firms, charity work for hospitals). 
    • For museums, deliberate and substantial outreach to low-income populations.

  2. The individual’s commitment as reflected in a project proposal:
    • Applicants should describe a library or museum (or partnership) project for which an outcomes-based approach to design would be useful, and which they will work on during the course. The project need not be grant-funded; it should be realistic but need not be an actual existing project.
    • The requirement for a project description is to promote scholarship recipients' commitment to the course. Applicants can discuss project ideas with Shaping Outcomes staff.
People interested scholarships should email Shaping Outcomes staff describing how they meet the criteria.

Institute of Museum and Library Services
Copyright © 2006 Shaping Outcomes